Torrington Early Childhood Collaborative Education Workgroup Meeting Minutes
Meeting held on June 10, 2013.
In Attendance: Lucille Fines, Paula Romanelli, Carmela Galipault, Susan Ferguson, Mary Cecchinato, Paula Gajewski, Cindy Guerreri, Deb Muhlbaier, Cheryl Kloczko, Donna Labbe, Valerie Chivinskki, Jill Veras, Patrice Nelson, Elaine Hanscom, Eileen Smedick
Items Discussed:
School Readiness/SR-
Children’s librarian, Jill Veras, presented an overview of the summer reading program and passed out flyers to be distributed.
Our updated budget shows spending on target, with no extra funds expected to be distributed to the SR sites. There may be some funds available for professional development, will poll sites as to need.
Kindergarten Transition Process-
The process flow chart has been updated and the earlier kindergarten registration dates will need to be approved by the Board of Ed at its next meeting.
One Book One Town Program-
A new flyer has been created by the Family Literacy Center and will be used to get the word out about this program. Community and corporate sponsorship will be needed.
3 to 3 Pre-K – 3 Action Plan-
Work on the plan is underway and is estimated to be ready by July. The focus will be on cross sector and family engagement.
School Readiness Liaison-
Our liaison, Shawn Marie Drummond, is now a consultant for school readiness sites. Do we want to use a consultant, Education Connection, or in house staff to do this work next fiscal cycle? Research is needed on position requirements before a decision can be made.
Legislative Update-
No Office of Early Childhood Education has been approved as of yet by the state legislature.
TECC was well represented at the Children’s Champions event at the state capitol. Mary Cecchinato presented an award to Representative Michelle Cook.
Revision of Birth to 8 Plan Strategies-
Led by Cindy Guerreri after agreement on ground rules established.
Our birth to 8 plan was created in 2008. We intend to consolidate our early literacy and 3 to 3 action plans into our birth to 8 plan. Our key messages to different stakeholders will be decided later, based on our strategies.
We discussed data points, research, and best practices around our indicators. This work will continue through the summer. The indicators drive the strategies and the action steps are tasks to address the strategies.
Meeting adjourned at 2:00pm.
Our next meeting will be September 9, 2013.
Respectfully submitted by Elaine Hanscom, TECC Secretary